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US Attorneys: What to Do If You Experience Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

It is important to be aware that if someone touches you sexually in the workplace, even over your clothing, it is not only considered sexual harassment, it is also regarded as a form of sexual assault and it must be dealt with seriously. Always remember that if you feel something uncomfortable, you need to stop it rights then and there before it escalates. Confronting the person who is harassing you be very important if you are in an uncomfortable situation. Look at the person’s eyes and tell him what he did was inappropriate.

The first time does make you feel sexually offended or you feel malicious intent with the act, don’t hesitate to shout “Stop!” to make sure others can hear it for extra emphasis, and never dare to apologize or make excuses for the actions of the offender because you are a victim of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Remember that sexual harassment is illegal and it should be dealt with right away. When it comes with documentation and reporting, you have to be specific, taking down all the details such as the location, date and time, what happened, your immediate action, and the response of the harasser. It is a reliable evidence in case you want to take legal action, and if it ever happens to you again or to someone else at work, you will have a history to refer to. It is important to report any form of touching right away. It is not good to keep sexual touches and demands on your own, you have to make sure they are all reported. Touching with sexual intention or in a sexual manner is considered a form of sexual assault. Be sure to document the incident in a detailed manner and report immediately to the management. There is a sexual assault committed if you are touched without your explicit consent, and the person aims to obtain sexual gratification even with just mere touching over your clothing.

It is the right of the victim to call the police and report the incident as a crime if sexual harassment or sexual assault has been done. Do not allow guilt or desire to protect your attacker to keep you from asserting your rights. Never hesitate to file legal charged because you are the victim, and letting it pass the first time may escalate to worse case like rape, or it can also be done to other people in the workplace or even outside the office. If reporting the sexual harassment made the management fire you because the harasser is the boss, you can hire a sexual harassment lawyer to help you fight your rights and best interests. This is a form of illegal termination wherein your company will be facing legal charges since federal laws exist to protect employees from sexual harassment in the workplace, so hire your sexual harassment attorney today!

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