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How to Have a Smooth Cabin Rental Experience

So you’ve decided you’ll go for a cabin rental for your next family trip. But how or where do you start? With so many cabin rentals today, you’ll be looking at a sea of choices in front of you. Sometimes, it gets overwhelming.

Here are tips to help make your search for a cabin rental much easier:

Check in advance.

A lot of people start planning their summers the day after New Year’s. As well, in many of the popular destinations, you’re going to find loyalists, or people who’ll be renting the same property each year for the same time period. To get the biggest selection, start even early than after New Year’s, and don’t forget to ask for early bird discounts. This discount can be as great as 10%, so don’t think twice about asking.

Define your wants and needs.

Need to bring you kitty? Check if pets are allowed. Planning cookouts? Their grill should be in good shape. Yes, a written contract is a must, and this document must contain all of these details and more, including the name and number of the one in charge, in case something goes wrong.

If it’s better to wait, do so.

This may seem antithetical to our first tip, but if you’re going to a very popular destination, expect supply to outweight demand. That’s the reason owners and agents scramble for renters as the high season draws near.
So if your dates and amenities are flexible, you can pocket some savings by doing doing a last-minute cabin rental search. Just don’t get too attached to a particular rental, and remember what this really is: a game of risk versus chance.

Review the fine print.

Before you accept a cabin rental agreement, understand what the deal involves. Check the terms and conditions and all the nitty-gritties. Are furnishings included? Transportation? Cleaning services? Insurance? What’s your part of the deal? All of these and whatever other details come to mind, ask the property owner or agent. An unwanted surprise hardly fits into most people’s picture of a vacation.

A lot cabin rental sites feature reviews and feedback from past guests. It’s wise to spend a few minutes reading around. Keep in mind that a cabin rental is different from a hotel room booking – you will actually enter a contract with the owner. You can’t just call of your plans and walk away with your full refund. Sometimes, you may have to wait a few weeks or even an entire month. So don’t think you’re being too fussy when you have nagging questions in your head. That’s just how it goes.

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