4 Lessons Learned: Solutions

Advantages of Cloud Storage

Cloud storage, which is basically online storage that offers remote access to data, has soared in popularity these days. But while a lot of small to medium-sized organizations have already made the switch to this digital method, others have yet to understand its key advantages.

Round-the-Clock Accessibility and Synchronization

Local file storage allows you to access data only from a single location. With cloud storage, this access is possible from virtually all devices, from desktop computers to smartphones and everything in between. The device should, of course, be connected to the Internet. This scraps the need to go back and forth with various devices in moving files. Moreover, any changes will be automatically saved across all devices. In other words, you will always get the fresh, most recent version of each file whenever and wherever you access it.

Collaboration Convenience

We just mentioned not having to go back and forth between devices with cloud storage. Aside from that, storing files digitally also gets rid of the pain of sending tons of emails for file-sharing purposes. Whether you have to share five or five hundred files, you’ll be able to do it much faster.

Also, cloud storage services offer more than just a place for data. They can also let you collaborate with peers, making editing for authorized users easier. Just the same, all changes made by all collaborators will be saved in real time.

Cost Efficiency

Cloud storage does not require external hard drives or backup tapes, or the time required to back up files manually. That means you don’t have to spend money on extra servers, which are expensive to maintain, or on additional IT staff to perform the work. Online storage solutions will give you tons of space for your data and usually for very cheap rates.

Storage Space Efficiency

And the efficiency doesn’t end with costs.
The efficiency of cloud storage doesn’t end with cost. With your data saved on the cloud, it will stop having a physical presence in your hardware and devices. Your physical storage needs will be substantially reduced, if not totally eliminated, since you can now store everything on the cloud.

Data Security and Recovery

Lastly, while it is understandable that you fear for the safety of your sensitive information in new storage space, take note that cloud storage has been proven to be many times safer compared to local business storage. As long as you choose a reputable cloud service provider, you can expect all your data to be encrypted, whether moving or at rest, and no unauthorized users will be able to touch your files. Very importantly, your data will remain in one piece even in the event of a disaster. All you have to do is retrieve and restore your data, which is perfectly possible with minimal downtime.

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