Supplements that are Essential for Women For women to get diagnosed with conditions such as anemia, rickets or scurvy due to insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, is very rare in the west today. During certain stages of a woman’s life, dietary supplements are needed. Not enough nutrients like minerals and vitamins that keeps the body healthy are being taken by women. The bodies of such women might be having insufficient nutrients. For all girls over the age two, they are recommended to have diets high on low- fat dairy products, vegetables, whole grains and fruits. Girls who are teenagers have their own nutritional needs. Girls who are teens should take enough iron, folate, calcium and zinc. Despite most girls being discouraged from dieting, they should reduce the intake of food that are high on fats and sugar. Pregnant women usually have special needs and supplements can help deal with these needs. Dietary concerns are among the special needs of these women. Food that is rich in iron should be taken by expectant women or those aspiring to be expectant. Heme iron that is found in animal based products should be taken by these women. Animal products that are rich in heme iron are meat, poultry and fish. Sufficient Vitamin C should be taken so that the absorption of iron is enabled. Every single day, a woman in their childbearing years should take 400 micrograms of folic acid. In addition, at least 1,500 mg of calcium preferably the one fortified with vitamin D needs to be taken daily. Most physicians recommend and prescribe dietary supplements for pregnant women. On the other hand, all women have general nutritional needs. Most women are recommended to take 8 to 12 ounces of seafood on a weekly basis. The beneficial Omega- 3 is rich in the fish oils that are found in seafood. However, expectant women or those who are nursing are discouraged from taking more than 6 ounces of seafood such as tuna, shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish.
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There is a danger of ingesting a lot of mercury. Women over 50 years have their own nutritional needs. Women over 50 years need sufficient Calcium and Vitamin D to keep their bones strong. However, the statistics show that only 10% percent of them do this. Barely half of the required calcium and vitamin D is taken by the rest.
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1200 milligrams of calcium should be taken on a daily basis by women over 50. More vegetables, fruits and grains should be taken by these women who are over 50. Antioxidants which are high on fibre should also be taken. A person should take multivitamins and mineral supplements in their diet.
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