Tag Archives: oaks

How to Choose Engineered Oaks in Woodworking Projects

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Engineered oaks are trees grown specifically for their ability to be used as a core of a board. The tree is grafted onto a small stem that provides the actual planks with the needed stability and strength. A machined is used to remove the planks from the tree. The process allows the tree to grow and develop until it reaches the desired thickness. The following tips will help you understand how to use engineered oak for your woodworking project.

Understand the Basics

Engineered oak is primarily made up of two parts. These parts are a glue layer and a veneer layer. The glue layer provides additional strength to the veneer, giving the wood a three-ply structure. If you cut an engineered oak, it will not produce three thin pieces like regular wood. However, instead, it will only leave one thick piece. When choosing this type of flooring, make …